Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Marijuana Eradication Raids Underway In 6 California Counties

Marijuana Eradication

Mendocino County, California officials have confirmed that a massive, 6-county marijuana eradication sweep is currently underway, aimed at clearing away the illegal cannabis cultivation in the Mendocino National Forest.

According to Michelle Gregory, a Department of Justice spokeswoman, the sweep has produced roughly 292,000 plants and 77 arrests as of yesterday. Numerous agencies are said to be participating in the raids, which started last week and which authorities were trying to keep secret.
“Good progress.” These grows only exist because of cannabis prohibition and the inflated price it causes for a naturally-growing plant on the black market. So the state enforces the prohibition that causes these illegal grows, then shells out taxpayer money to send highly-trained men swooping in with helicopters to chop down and burn plants.

An endless cycle of silliness that would be funny if it wasn’t costing so much money and wasting so many man-hours that could be used toward ridding society of violent crime.

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