Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brit Inventor Develops "Safe" Cigarette

A British inventor has created a 'safe' cigarette that doesn't contain tobacco or burn when you puff it, meaning it won't pollute your lungs with carcinogenic tar.

The 'safe' cigarette is a nicotine inhaler shaped like a cigarette that delivers doses of the addictive chemical equal to those of cigarettes.
Alex Hearn, the Oxford-educated 28-year-old who designed the product, has earned the backing of several wealthy investors as well as a licensing deal with British American Tobacco (BAT), the company behind the cigarette brands Dunhill, Kent, Lucky Strike and Pall Mall. Currently under development, BAT said the inhalers will hit the market within two years.

"If you need to deliver nicotine, it's certainly a safer route than what you get in a cigarette," Live Science quoted Scott Rogers a University of Utah neurobiologist who studies nicotine addiction and its effects, as telling Life's Little Mysteries.

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