Friday, July 22, 2011

Colombia Imposes Ban on Advertisement of Cigarettes

Advertisement of Cigarettes

Come Thursday and chain smokers would see a health warning on the pack of a loose cigarette, as part of ruling of health ministry of Columbia.

As part of the ban approved by Congress in June 2009, cigarettes can now only be sold in packets of 10 or more and tobacco companies would not be allowed to advertise at all, even on foreign TV channels broadcasting in the country.

If reports are to be believed, out of the population of about 46 million, at least five million adults were found to have been in habit of enjoying smoke.

As per anti-tobacco law supporter Senator Dilian Francisca Toro, some 25,000 people lose their life after getting affected with one of the other type of cancers linked to smoking and a large number of people suffer from long-term consequences of smoking.

Though a ban on smoking in enclosed public places was imposed in May 2008, people seem to have found one or the other way to get hold of a smoke. Despite being recommended to stay away from smoke for serious health concerns, a large number of adults struggle to get rid of the habit.

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