Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prospect Park bans smoking at borough parks

Heading out to Witmer Field, Park Square or Moore’s Lake Park? Better leave the cigarettes at home. In a special ceremony, Prospect Park officials formally received the brand-new “Young Lungs at Play” signs that they’ll install in borough parks, designating those sites as tobacco-free areas. “We’re not going to have parents smoking around kids,” Mayor Jeff Harris said. “There won’t be butts on the ground anymore.

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We’re promoting Young Lungs at Play because kids don’t need to be inhaling cigarette smoke while they’re in our parks.” Young Lungs at Play is a program offered through the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Penn State Cooperative Extension that promotes tobacco-free parks and recreation areas. Prospect Park is the second Delaware County municipality – after Chester City – to pass an ordinance making it a finable offense to smoke cigarettes or use other forms of tobacco at its parks.

“We’re trying to reduce exposure to cigarette smoke and cut back on second-hand smoke in the community,” said councilwoman Diane Faison. “We hope that this shows that there are fewer and fewer places where people can smoke in the borough.” Smoking is already banned at all borough-owned buildings and facilities. Young Lungs at Play is catching on in Delaware County. In addition to the ordinances passed by Prospect Park and Chester, a number of other municipalities, resolutions recognizing the initiative have been passed in Upper Darby, Swarthmore, Darby Borough, Sharon Hill, Concord Township, Ridley Park and Brookhaven.

 A number of local churches and other organizations have joined the program as well. Prospect Park will install 24 Young Lungs at Play signs in its parks to notify residents and visitors of the policy. Among the parks at which the signs will be installed is Witmer Field, home of the borough’s football and baseball programs, and where officials gathered to accept the signs Wednesday.

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