Thursday, October 11, 2012

New CD will help smokers give up

NLP involves using cognitive work and words to change behavioural patterns. To mark Stoptober – a national movement of people stopping smoking this month – she has released a CD combining NLP and a form of hynotherapy. Mrs Boyle said her CD, entitled Stop Smoking Now! Breathe Again... will be useful to anybody keen to give up the poisonous weed.

She said: "I know people are cynical but that is the way people are sometimes. "I have never been a smoker, but I have done almost everything else. I wondered how I could use my profession to help. I believe this method works. "Smoking becomes a habit. It's something you do automatically because of the way your thoughts are working.

"After you have stopped for 48 hours, the nicotine will physically be out of your system. "Thereafter, it is just an automatic thing that you are used to doing at certain times. "Treating the addiction this way changes the way you think about it, which is much more effective."

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