Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kudos to new smoke-free campus at TMC

Kudos to the Teton County Hospital District Board and the Teton Medical Center administration and staff on the hospital’s conversion to a smoke-free campus as of today (Oct. 10). TMC becomes the 45th hospital statewide to implement a tobacco-free campus, putting words into actions and leading by example.

Staffer Cathy Sessions who coordinated the conversion to tobacco-free says the new policy prohibits the use of smoke and chew tobacco anywhere on the TMC property Ñ including inside all buildings, outside on the grounds and even in vehicles parked in the public and employee parking lots. The facility has put up signs announcing the measure, and is working with staff members to help them quit the nicotine habit if they so wish. TMC is to be commended for taking this step, acknowledging and emphasizing that tobacco-free environments are an important step toward improving public health and safety.

Sessions points to statistics that say that tobacco use in our state accounts for more than $216 million in medical expenditures each year. That is an incredibly large figure for a behavior that is voluntary and that can be changed through counseling and medication. Sessions said that TMC believes that it is important to model healthy behaviors and eliminate “triggers” — like smoking areas Ñ that make tobacco cessation difficult.

We know the transition has not been easy — and will not be easy for those employees who have been inspired to quit smoking or chewing because of the new hospital rule. But we, as a community, want to thank the hospital for setting a good example, and to thank the employees for their support of this program. If you are hoping to break the addiction to tobacco, please contact April Spaulding, the Teton County Public Health Department’s tobacco-cessation specialist. She can help you access the resources, including the Montana Quit Line, to give you the tools you need to give up tobacco.

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