Thursday, October 4, 2012

North State Voices: End to smoking brings hope

A few weeks ago I made a very big decision. I decided to quit smoking, and man have I had a hard time. There have been a few times I've had to quit smoking because I had no choice, like the whole year I stopped due to the fact that I was pregnant and breast feeding. It was hard to deal with, but I did it because that was the only option. This time it's harder. There have been obvious hits to my health that I am noticing, and being that I just turned 23-years-old on the 23rd of September, I became alarmed enough to stop cold turkey.

Three weeks in and I've managed to irritate just about everyone that I know. Controlling the urges to run to the store and buy a pack that first week was excruciating in a number of ways. I spent a lot of time in my room reading just to make sure my mind spent little time thinking of anything else. If one good thing came out of it, I read the "Hunger Games" series during a very rare three days without my husband and daughter where they spent a few days in Oregon with his brother.

That probably couldn't have come at a better time. Speaking of my husband, he's about as happy as a hyena with the fact that I've quit smoking. He was once a smoker, who hasn't smoked in a few years, and he loves to ask me when I'm going to quit. As a smoker, that question irritates me, whereas to non-smokers it seems like a reasonable question. Other than my dad, he's been the only person who has ever actually stayed on my case about my smoking.

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