Monday, February 7, 2011

Pall Mall cigarettes price cut

AFTER ABOUT 30 years of steady price increases, Irish smokers will see the cost of a packet of 20 Pall Mall cigarettes cut by 50 cent from February 7th.

Tobacco manufacturer PJ Carroll has told retailers that it is reducing the recommended retail price (RRP) for Pall Mall to €7.25 from €7.75 from next Monday.

This move follows a ruling last March by the European Court of Justice, which found that the Government’s fixed minimum pricing of tobacco products violated EU law.

PJ Carroll, which is owned by British American Tobacco, said it is also a response to the growth in cigarette smuggling.

It is estimated that 27 per cent of cigarettes smoked here are sourced from the black market.

“PJ Carroll is committed to returning stability to the legal tobacco market and to supporting retailers who stock legitimate tobacco products,” said Chloe Campen, head of corporate and regulatory affairs at PJ Carroll.

“We hope retailers welcome the RRP change. We believe we have shown leadership in this move.”

The move is expected to cause controversy with anti-smoking groups, who oppose the sale of tobacco on health grounds.

Pall Mall will now be the cheapest cigarette for sale here.

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