Friday, February 25, 2011

Logo pall mall cigarettes

The famous Pall Mall logo has large art nouveau lettering spelling out "Pall Mall" on the top front of the pack. On the front is a white crest on the front and back of the package. Showing two royal lions fiddle sides and the knight's helmet on top, inside of the screen shows "per aspera ad astra" or "Through [the] thorns to the stars" (which sounds like the motto of the RAF, "Ad astra per ardua "or" through adversity to the stars "). There is a banner below the shield that holds another Latin phrase" In hoc signo provinces "or" By this sign you will conquer. "The sentence was the which appeared in a vision in Constantinople before the battle of Milvian Bridge, where he was very numbered. God instructed Constantine to put crosses on all the shields of his men. The next day, Constantine was in Rome, victorious, paving the way for the Edict of Milan. The famous Pall Mall slogan, "When people congregate in particular," appears below the crest.

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