Friday, October 7, 2011

Uzbekistan to limit alcohol and tobacco consumption from April

tobacco refers

Uzbek President signed the law on "Restriction of distribution and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products".

The legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis adopted the law in June 2011. The Senate approved it in August. The law will come into force from April 2012.

According to the law, alcoholic beverages include products with ethyl alcohol of more than 1.5 percent, while tobacco refers to all products of tobacco and tobacco substitutes.

The new law defines the main directions of state policy and state guarantees in limiting the proliferation and use of alcohol and tobacco products, the powers of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Health and public bodies.

The law defines the concepts of alcohol and tobacco dependence, as well as preventing the negative impact of using alcohol and tobacco products.

It includes a set of social, legal, medical, and other measures aimed at preventing and reducing threats to public health, especially among young people.

T he state regulates the production and sale, as well as bans imports of alcohol and tobacco products containing substances harmful for human life and health exceeding the permissible limits set by the Health Ministry.

Moreover, the s tate provides health care to people affected by alcohol and tobacco in accordance with legislative requirements.

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