Monday, October 17, 2011

Stop Smoking Resources Available from ECD

smoker consumed

According to statistics released by the NHS in 2009, nearly 21% of all UK adults are tobacco smokers. While that’s certainly a significant drop from 39% just 20 years earlier, it is still far too high. Electronic Cigarette Direct is intimately aware of this fact, being founded by individuals who are former smokers themselves. With awareness of their social responsibility incorporated within their business model, the owners of Electronic Cigarette Direct include a collection of stop smoking resources on their website.

Those same NHS statistics show that in 2009, the average adult smoker consumed more than 13 cigarettes per day. This partially accounts for why it is so difficult for many people to stop smoking. Any activity done 13 times per day is habit forming on its own; add nicotine to the equation and the habit becomes that much more pronounced. But, it is also well-known to be a habit that can be kicked.

Visitors to Electronic Cigarette Direct’s website will find several sections of helpful resources by following the appropriate link at the top of the company’s website found at Resources include tips to help smokers get through difficult periods of craving, alternatives to smoking tobacco, and suggestions in how to find an escape from the overpowering habit of tobacco smoking.

This vitally important subject matter is addressed for both the smokers benefit and the benefit of those around him. For smokers, they must live within the confines of the comprehensive smoking ban that has been place in the UK since 2007. It is a ban that forces them outside to have a cigarette, or keeps them home altogether.

In terms of non-smokers around them, it’s important that they be allowed to breathe clean air no matter where they are, without having to worry about second hand smoke. In offering resources to help smokers turn away from tobacco, Electronic Cigarette Direct is promoting the good health of everyone involved.

Consumers who decide to make the switch to electronic cigarettes will have access to the VAPESTICK line of products through the electronic Cigarette Direct website. The company’s owners have personally tested electronic cigarettes from VAPESTICK and believe they offer the best products on the market. You’re encouraged to visit their website, check out their stop smoking resources, and even browse through the products if you’re so inclined.

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