Friday, August 19, 2011

British Town Cracks Down on Counterfeit Cigarettes

Counterfeit Cigarettes

Officials in Blackpool are targeting counterfeit cigarette sellers by stopping smokers and asking them where they purchased their cigarettes, the BBC reports.

Part of Operation Smokescreen, the tactic is one of several that has led to the seizure of roughly 15,000 counterfeit cigarettes earlier this month.

Officials say the illegal smokes pose a significant health risk, with the cigarettes containing 30 times the lead levels of legal tobacco.

Police are carrying out test purchases at local stores, too, identifying retailers who stock counterfeit cigarettes.

"From a health point of view all cigarettes are dangerous, but the counterfeit ones are potentially lethal,” said local Councilor Gary Coleman. “We want members of the public to know if they suspect illegal activity they can report it and we will investigate.”

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