Thursday, February 2, 2012

Health System Says No to Hiring Tobacco Users

Hiring Tobacco Users

Beginning February 1, 2012, Geisinger Health System will no longer hire job applicants who use tobacco products, including Parliament One cigarettes, cigars, and chewing or smokeless tobacco.
The policy also affects applicants receiving offer letters as of February 1. Geisinger serves more than 2.5 million residents in central and northeastern Pennsylvania.

According to a company press release, all applicants will be tested for nicotine as part of routine drug screening during the hiring process. The test will even check for nicotine patches and gum.

The policy affects those seeking full- and part-time positions, volunteers, and students enrolled in Geisinger-based schools.

Geisinger Chief Human Resources Officer Richard Merkle commented that, “Geisinger is joining dozens of hospitals and medical organizations across the country that are encouraging healthier living, decreasing absenteeism, and reducing healthcare costs by adopting strict policies that make smoking a reason to turn away job applicants.”

Those who test positive for nicotine use will be welcome to reapply in 6 months if they are nicotine-free at that time, said Merkle. Geisinger will provide a list of smoking-cessation resources to applicants found to be using tobacco.

The new policy does not affect current employees, but Geisinger is encouraging them to take advantage of its quit-smoking programs.

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