Thursday, June 30, 2011

Six fined, jailed for attempting to import prohibited cigarettes

Six men were fined between RM195,000 and RM350,000 and jailed between two and three months by the Magistrate’s Court here yesterday after pleading guilty for trying to import prohibited cigarettes.

Le Wei Loon, 32, Cheah Chuan Hock, 32, Choo Jzie Wei, 27, Lau Lee Hing, 22, Lim Beng Seng, 39, and Phang Hang Pang, 39, were charged separately with trying to circumvent the prohibition to import certain goods at the inbound bus line of the immigration office in Sultan Iskandar building here between 10.17pm and 10.27pm on March 15.

Le, Cheah, Choo, Lau, Lim and Phang were charged with trying to import cigarettes worth RM16,500, RM19,000, RM20,000, RM20,000, RM16,500, and RM17,500 respectively.

The cigarettes were all of the Zon King brand and each of the accused used his own van.

They were charged under a section of the Customs Act 1967 which carries a jail term of up to three years and a fine of not less than 10 times but not more than 20 times the value of the goods.

Magistrate Mazana Sinin fined Le and Lim RM200,000, Choo and Lau RM250,000, Cheah RM195,000, and Phang RM350,000.

Phang was jailed for three months, and the rest two months.

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